Today LadBaby landed his third Christmas No 1 in a row with charity single Don’t Stop Me Eatin’. The Journey parody of Don’t Stop Believin’ sees all profits go to foodbank charity The Trussell Trust. The chart sensation, real name Mark Hoyle, had actually originally decided not to attempt it this year. But will he ever stop?

Speaking exclusively with, LadBaby said: “Erm, I don’t know! I honestly don’t know, I guess we always look at one Christmas at a time.

“It’s one of those things. It’s got to be about if we feel that we can do it justice for the charity.

“We don’t want to get to a place where the X Factor kind of dominated it for so many years and it started to have a negative effect at the end.”

The YouTuber pointed out how people started to boycott the X Factor single each year and how he doesn’t want that to happen to him.

READ MORE: LadBaby announces third Christmas No 1 attempt in Don’t Stop Me Eatin’

LadBaby continued: “We need to be able to be in a position where that doesn’t happen because that’ll impact the charity as well.

“We don’t want people to negatively think like that about something we’re trying to do for good.

“At the minute we’re saying this is the last one, but who knows what happens over the years to come.”

Apart from his three Christmas No 1s, we asked LadBaby what his favourite Christmas song is.

LadBaby said: “My wife though, she’s obsessed with Christmas, she has the Disney Christmas album in the car from about October.

“I listen to Mickey Mouse singing most of our Christmas songs!”

Asked why he chose Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’ this year, LadBaby admitted they had run out of songs with rock and roll in the title.

He said: “What we’ve tried to do for the last two years is find songs that families love and that families know. We want to do a song that Mum, Dad, Granny and the kids can have a little dance to it.”

LadBaby continued: “We looked at karaoke songs and Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’ always ranks high and obviously puts people in a feel-good mood; something they feel confident about singing.

“So we thought, ‘Why not? Let’s give it a go and weave some sausage roll magic into that!’ And you know what? I think it’s a kind of sentiment of what we all need this year. Don’t Stop Believin’ that things are gonna get better and 2021’s gonna be a better year. It just felt right!”

The Christmas No 1 winner shared how The Trussell Trust told him that in the first six months of the pandemic they handed out 1.2 million food parcels.

He said: “That’s more than they’ve ever handed out in any six-month period and so I thought ‘You know what, I’m going to try again’.”

LadBaby’s Don’t Stop Me Eatin’ is out now and can be purchased here.


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